Professional Education
Work Experience
My Approach To Therapy
Fees and Payment Options
My Office
Contacting Me

Contacting Me

People often have other concerns not addressed on my website. When you call to talk or to schedule an appointment, I would be happy to answer any questions you have. Because I’m usually in a session, I may not be able to answer the phone. However, please leave a message with your phone number and I will call you back as soon as possible.

Contact Deborah Hellerstein

Deborah Hellerstein, Ph.D., LCSW
30 N. Michigan Ave Suite 1611, Chicago, IL
Phone: (617) 332-6399
Email: hellersteindeborah@gmail.com

Please note: I have provided my e-mail address so that you can contact me solely for further information regarding my services. I do not provide therapy sessions via e-mail. Because I may not be able to write back right away, if you feel this is an emergency, you need to contact your local emergency room.


Website design by Michelle Rose ©2006-2024 Deborah Hellerstein, L.C.S.W.